리눅스에 iptraf3.0 설치

iptraf 3.0 설치 가이드

  • 설치가이드래봤자 별거없고 과정만 조금 긁어봤다.
    1.운영체제는 oracle linux6.5
    2.iptraf 3.0.0 버전

iptraf는 실시간 패킷 분석 프로그램으로 네트워크 인터페이스 별 모니터링과
각 프로토콜 별 송수신 패킷 전송량을 측정, 송수신 IP 실시간 감시 등 TEXT 그래픽 인터페이스로 제공하는 프로그램이다.

[root@dbserver ~]# wget http://www.superuser.co.kr/home/files/iptraf-3.0.0.tar.g            z
--2014-07-31 19:15:02--  http://www.superuser.co.kr/home/files/iptraf-3.0.0.tar.            gz
Resolving www.superuser.co.kr...
Connecting to www.superuser.co.kr||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://www.linux.co.kr/home/files/iptraf-3.0.0.tar.gz [following]
--2014-07-31 19:15:04--  https://www.linux.co.kr/home/files/iptraf-3.0.0.tar.gz
Resolving www.linux.co.kr...
Connecting to www.linux.co.kr||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 575169 (562K) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ?쐇ptraf-3.0.0.tar.gz??

100%[======================================>] 575,169     1.29M/s   in 0.4s

2014-07-31 19:15:04 (1.29 MB/s) - ?쐇ptraf-3.0.0.tar.gz??saved [575169/575169            ]

[root@dbserver ~]#

터미널로 iptraf3.0.0 tar gz를 받는다.

[root@dbserver ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  Downloads           iptraf-3.0.0      Music     Templates
Desktop          install.log         iptraf-3.0.0.tar  Pictures  Videos
Documents        install.log.syslog  missfont.log      Public    yum.sh
[root@dbserver ~]# cd iptraf-3.0.0/
[root@dbserver iptraf-3.0.0]# ls
CHANGES        FAQ      README             README.platforms  Setup
contrib        INSTALL  README.contact     README.rvnamed    src
Documentation  LICENSE  README.interfaces  RELEASE-NOTES     support
[root@dbserver iptraf-3.0.0]# ./Setup

ls로 확인해 봤더니 root/home에 iptraf가 있었다.
압축을 풀어보자.

[root@dbserver ~]# iptraf-3.0.0.tar.gz           /gwet으로 받았는 2중압축 iptra
[root@dbserver ~]#
[root@dbserver ~]# gunzip iptraf-3.0.0.tar.gz    /gunzip으로 gz를 한번 풀고
[root@dbserver ~]#
[root@dbserver ~]# tar -xvf iptraf-3.0.0.tar     /tar로 나머지 tar압축을 푼다.

이렇게 전부 다 풀어주고 해당 디렉토리 안으로 들어가서 설치해주면 끝

[root@dbserver ~]# cd iptraf-3.0.0
[root@dbserver ~]#
[root@dbserver iptraf-3.0.0]#ls
CHANGES        FAQ      README             README.platforms  Setup
contrib        INSTALL  README.contact     README.rvnamed    src
Documentation  LICENSE  README.interfaces  RELEASE-NOTES     support

위에 setup 설치파일이 보인다.
./setup 해주면 설치를 할 수 있다.

[root@dbserver iptraf-3.0.0]#./Setup  /대소문자 주의해서 입력할것
 IPTraf Version 3.0.0 Setup
 Target Platform: Linux/x86_64


make: Entering directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/src'
rm -f *.o *~ core iptraf rvnamed rawtime
make -C ../support clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/support'
rm -rf *.o *~ libtextbox.a libtextbox.so
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/support'
make: Leaving directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/src'
make: Entering directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/support'
rm -rf *.o *~ libtextbox.a libtextbox.so
make: Leaving directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/support'
make: Entering directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/src'
gcc -Wall  -DWORKDIR=\"/var/local/iptraf\" -DLOGDIR=\"/var/log/iptraf\" -DEXECDIR=\"/usr/local/bin\" -I/usr/include/ncurses -I../support -DVERSION=\"3.0.0\" -DPLATFORM=\"Linux/x86_64\"     -c -o iptraf.o iptraf.c
In file included from iptraf.c:54:
tcptable.h:26:25: error: linux/if_tr.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [iptraf.o] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/src'
make: Entering directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/src'

*** Installing executable programs and preparing work directories

>>> Installing iptraf in /usr/local/bin
/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `iptraf': No such file or directory
>>> Installing rvnamed in /usr/local/bin
/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `rvnamed': No such file or directory
>>> IPTraf work directory /var/local/iptraf already exists
>>> IPTraf log directory /var/log/iptraf already exists
>>> IPTraf lockfile directory /var/run/iptraf already exists

*** iptraf, and rvnamed executables are in /usr/local/bin
*** Log files are placed in /var/log/iptraf


Please read the RELEASE-NOTES file for important new information about
this version. You can view this file now (will require the 'less'
program in /usr/bin.  Press Q to quit when done).

Would you like to view the RELEASE-NOTES file now (Y/N)? N


Thank you for installing IPTraf.  You can now start IPTraf by issuing
the command


at your shell prompt.  You can also add /usr/local/bin to your PATH environment
variable to avoid having to type the pathname when invoking the program.

make: Leaving directory `/root/iptraf-3.0.0/src'
[root@dbserver iptraf-3.0.0]# iptraf


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